Maharashtra’s Nanded South constituency is a crucial area in the state’s political landscape. In the 2019 Vidhan Sabha elections, the Nanded South MLA seat was hotly contested, with a number of candidates vying for victory. The election results revealed the winning candidate’s name, the number of votes they received, and their winning margin. These results have a significant impact on the political representation of the Nanded South constituency and the policies that will be implemented. Stay informed about the latest developments in Nanded South MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results to understand the political dynamics in this important Maharashtra constituency.
Table of Contents
Key Candidates in the Nanded South MLA 2019 Elections
The key candidates for the Nanded South 2019 elections are:
– Mohanrao Marotrao Hambarde, MALE, 61, GENERAL, INC, Hand, 46584, 359, 46943, 25.68
– Deelip Venkatrao Kandkurte, MALE, 62, GENERAL, IND, Key, 43021, 330, 43351, 23.71
– Rajshri Hemant Patil, FEMALE, 52, GENERAL, SHS, Arrow, 36530, 536, 37066, 20.28
– Farukh Ahemad Iqbal Ahemad, MALE, 51, GENERAL, VBA, Gas, 26558, 155, 26713, 14.61
– Mohammad Saber Chaus, MALE, 50, GENERAL, AIMIM, Kite, 20086, 36, 20122, 11.01
– NOTA, 5, NOTA, NOTA, 776, 12, 788, 0.43
– Latifkhan Peerkhan Pathan, MALE, 39, GENERAL, IND, Battery, 760, 0, 760, 0.42
– Md. Akhmaloddin Alias Adv. Arshad Ghiyasoddin, MALE, 40, GENERAL, IND, Gas Stove, 675, 0, 675, 0.37
– Vishwanath Ramji Dhotre, MALE, 59, SC, BSP, Elephant, 636, 1, 637, 0.35
– Sayed Tanveer, MALE, 41, GENERAL, IND, DIAMOND, 389, 0, 389, 0.21
– Shey Maula Shey Usman, MALE, 50, GENERAL, IND, Carrom, 332, 0, 332, 0.18
– Shaikh Sajid, MALE, 53, GENERAL, BAHUMP, Whistle, 321, 0, 321, 0.18
– Shivanand Ashokrao Deshmukh, MALE, 35, GENERAL, IND, Pen Drive, 319, 0, 319, 0.17
– Ashok Ananda Waghmare, MALE, 32, SC, IND, Water Tank, 308, 0, 308, 0.17
– Karnasingh Gurucharansingh Chandan, MALE, 32, GENERAL, IND, Auto-, 306, 1, 307, 0.17
– Dr. Dasrao Raosaheb Deshmukh, MALE, 81, GENERAL, IND, Road Roller, 306, 0, 306, 0.17
– Nayyar Janha Mahamad Feroz Hussain, FEMALE, 30, GENERAL, IND, Helicopter, 302, 0, 302, 0.17
– Dhavle Suresh Baliram, MALE, 52, SC, IND, Iron, 302, 0, 302, 0.17
– Balasaheb Dagadu Jadhav, MALE, 48, GENERAL, SBBGP, Sewing, 267, 0, 267, 0.15
– Altaf Ahmed, MALE, 58, GENERAL, IUML, Saucer, 251, 1, 252, 0.14
– Suresh Rajesh Gomsale, MALE, 37, SC, IND, Tyres, 232, 0, 232, 0.13
– Zafar Ali Khan, MALE, 79, GENERAL, IND, Envelope, 209, 0, 209, 0.11
– Shiakh Muneer, MALE, 50, GENERAL, IND, Bat, 197, 0, 197, 0.11
– Abdul Rais Ahemad, MALE, 57, GENERAL, ANC, Almirah, 192, 0, 192, 0.11
– Prakash Kallappa Koudge, MALE, 57, GENERAL, IND, Pressure, 192, 0, 192, 0.11
– Shaikh Farukh, MALE, 50, GENERAL, IND, Conditioner, 188, 0, 188, 0.1
– Jaikumar Gopinath Doibale, MALE, 34, SC, IND, Camera, 143, 0, 143, 0.08
– Rajesh Rameshrao More, MALE, 30, GENERAL, IND, Chalata, 127, 0, 127, 0.07
– Panchphula Chandrakant Taru, FEMALE, 43, SC, IND, Cot, 111, 1, 112, 0.06
– Milind Siddharth Sitale, MALE, 39, SC, IND, Batsman, 106, 0, 106, 0.06
– Mohammad Nadeem Mohammad Iqbal, MALE, 42, GENERAL, IND, BENCH, 95, 0, 95, 0.05
– Gani Sk Rasool M, MALE, 53, GENERAL, IND, Television, 90, 0, 90, 0.05
– Nitin Vijay Bansode, MALE, 43, SC, IND, with Seven, 81, 1, 82, 0.04
– Mahammad Mujahid Mahammad Khaja, MALE, 49, GENERAL, IND, Basket, 73, 0, 73, 0.04
– Mudsaruddin Alimuddin, MALE, 45, GENERAL, IND, Football, 73, 0, 73, 0.04
– Rauf Abdul Wahed Abdul, MALE, 68, GENERAL, IND, Binoculars, 67, 0, 67, 0.04
– Sambhaji Dashrath Shinde, MALE, 77, SC, IND, Ring, 67, 0, 67, 0.04
– Mansoor Khan Maheboob Khan, MALE, 56, GENERAL, IND, COMPUTER, 64, 0, 64, 0.04
– Sajeer Rashid Mohammad TURN OUT, MALE, 46, GENERAL, IND, Apple, 47, 0, 47, 0.03
Nanded South Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections
– Mohanrao Marotrao Hambarde of INC received 46,943 votes, making up 25.68% of the total votes
– Deelip Venkatrao Kandkurte of IND was the runner up with 43,351 votes, totaling 23.71% of the votes
– NOTA received 788 votes, accounting for 0.43% of the total votes cast
– Vishwanath Ramji Dhotre of BSP secured 637 votes, making up 0.35% of the total votes
– Nitin Vijay Bansode of IND secured 82 votes, accounting for 0.04% of the total votes
Nanded South Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections
Constituency Candidate Name Category Party Symbol General Votes Postal Votes Total Percent Voted Polled Nanded North Adv. Mohammad Naveed Pathan GENERAL IND Envelope 477 0 477 0.25 Nanded North Balaji Devidasrao Kalyankar GENERAL SHS Bow and 61934 950 62884 33.18 Nanded North D. P. Savant GENERAL INC Hand 49916 862 50778 26.8 Nanded North Dr. Prakash Govindrao Bagate GENERAL BSP Elephant 1096 9 1105 0.58 Nanded North Feroz Lala GENERAL AIMIM Kite 41768 124 41892 22.11 Nanded North Gajbhare Sahebrao Bhiva SC IND Laptop 175 0 175 0.09 Nanded North Gangadhar Satwaji Fugare GENERAL MNS Railway 498 4 502 0.26 Nanded North Imran Bashar GENERAL BAHUMP Rickshaw 423 0 423 0.22 Nanded North Jaideep Subhash Paithane SC IND Television 138 0 138 0.07 Nanded North Joshi Sudhakar Devidas GENERAL IND Bat 278 0 278 0.15 Nanded North M.Aa. Sadeeq M.Aa. Rajak GENERAL ANC Gramophone 116 1 117 0.06 Nanded North Mohammad Ali Mohammad Rahimoddin GENERAL IND Pressure 207 0 207 0.11 Nanded North Mukundrao Narharrao Chawre SC VBA Gas 26376 193 26569 14.02 Nanded North Nitish Urf Bandu Pawade GENERAL IND Kettle 248 0 248 0.13 Nanded North NOTA NA NA NA 928 12 940 0.5 Nanded North Rajesh Pimple SC IUML Almirah 200 0 200 0.11 Nanded North Rohit Dattatreya Aadekar SC BMUP Cot 150 1 151 0.08 Nanded North Sagar Maroti Jadhav SC IND Sewing 161 0 161 0.08 Nanded North Sahebrao Nagorao Gundile SC IND Key 374 0 374 0.2 Nanded North Sambhaji Dasharath Shinde SC IND Ring 67 0 67 0.04 Nanded North Sandip Renukadasrao Pande GENERAL PHJSP Cup & 628 2 630 0.33 Nanded North Shrikant Laxmanrao Gaikwad SC IND Gas Stove 601 0 601 0.32 Nanded North Sopan Balajirao Nevhal GENERAL RASMARP Helicopter 132 0 132 0.07 Nanded North Sugat Dattrao Pundge SC BVA Whistle 146 4 150 0.08 Nanded North Suryakant Namdev Tadalapurkar SC IND Pen Drive 302 0 302 0.16 Nanded South Abdul Rais Ahemad GENERAL ANC Almirah 192 0 192 0.11 Nanded South Altaf Ahmed GENERAL IUML Saucer 251 1 252 0.14 Nanded South Ashok Ananda Waghmare SC IND Water Tank 308 0 308 0.17 Nanded South Balasaheb Dagadu Jadhav GENERAL SBBGP Sewing 267 0 267 0.15 Nanded South Deelip Venkatrao Kandkurte GENERAL IND Key 43021 330 43351 23.71 Nanded South Dhavle Suresh Baliram SC IND Iron 302 0 302 0.17 Nanded South Dr. Dasrao Raosaheb Deshmukh GENERAL IND Road Roller 306 0 306 0.17 Nanded South Farukh Ahemad Iqbal Ahemad GENERAL VBA Gas 26558 155 26713 14.61 Nanded South Gani Sk Rasool M GENERAL IND Television 90 0 90 0.05 Nanded South Jaikumar Gopinath Doibale SC IND Camera 143 0 143 0.08 Nanded South Karnasingh Gurucharansingh Chandan GENERAL IND Auto- 306 1 307 0.17 Nanded South Latifkhan Peerkhan Pathan GENERAL IND Battery 760 0 760 0.42 Nanded South Mahammad Mujahid Mahammad Khaja GENERAL IND Basket 73 0 73 0.04 Nanded South Mansoor Khan Maheboob Khan GENERAL IND COMPUTER 64 0 64 0.04 Nanded South Md. Akhmaloddin Alias Adv. Arshad Ghiyasoddin GENERAL IND Gas Stove 675 0 675 0.37 Nanded South Milind Siddharth Sitale SC IND Batsman 106 0 106 0.06 Nanded South Mohammad Nadeem Mohammad Iqbal GENERAL IND BENCH 95 0 95 0.05 Nanded South Mohammad Saber Chaus GENERAL AIMIM Kite 20086 36 20122 11.01 Nanded South Mohanrao Marotrao Hambarde GENERAL INC Hand 46584 359 46943 25.68 Nanded South Mudsaruddin Alimuddin GENERAL IND Football 73 0 73 0.04 Nanded South Nayyar Janha Mahamad Feroz Hussain GENERAL IND Helicopter 302 0 302 0.17 Nanded South Nitin Vijay Bansode SC IND with Seven 81 1 82 0.04 Nanded South NOTA NA NA NA 776 12 788 0.43 Nanded South Panchphula Chandrakant Taru SC IND Cot 111 1 112 0.06 Nanded South Prakash Kallappa Koudge GENERAL IND Pressure 192 0 192 0.11 Nanded South Rajesh Rameshrao More GENERAL IND Chalata 127 0 127 0.07 Nanded South Rajshri Hemant Patil GENERAL SHS Arrow 36530 536 37066 20.28 Nanded South Rauf Abdul Wahed Abdul GENERAL IND Binoculars 67 0 67 0.04 Nanded South Sajeer Rashid Mohammad GENERAL IND Apple 47 0 47 0.03 Nanded South Sambhaji Dashrath Shinde SC IND Ring 67 0 67 0.04 Nanded South Sayed Tanveer GENERAL IND DIAMOND 389 0 389 0.21 Nanded South Shaikh Farukh GENERAL IND Conditioner 188 0 188 0.1 Nanded South Shaikh Sajid GENERAL BAHUMP Whistle 321 0 321 0.18 Nanded South Shey Maula Shey Usman GENERAL IND Carrom 332 0 332 0.18 Nanded South Shiakh Muneer GENERAL IND Bat 197 0 197 0.11 Nanded South Shivanand Ashokrao Deshmukh GENERAL IND Pen Drive 319 0 319 0.17 Nanded South Suresh Rajesh Gomsale SC IND Tyres 232 0 232 0.13 Nanded South Vishwanath Ramji Dhotre SC BSP Elephant 636 1 637 0.35 Nanded South Zafar Ali Khan GENERAL IND Envelope 209 0 209 0.11
Nanded South Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections
Party-Wise Performance:
– Indian National Congress (INC) candidate Mohanrao Marotrao Hambarde received 46,943 votes, with a vote share of 25.68%.
– Independent candidate Deelip Venkatrao Kandkurte secured 43,351 votes, with a vote share of 23.71%.
– Shiv Sena (SHS) candidate Rajshri Hemant Patil received 37,066 votes, with a vote share of 20.28%.
– Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi (VBA) candidate Farukh Ahemad Iqbal Ahemad secured 26,713 votes, with a vote share of 14.61%.
– All India Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) candidate Mohammad Saber Chaus received 20,122 votes, with a vote share of 11.01%.
– None of the Above (NOTA) received 788 votes, with a vote share of 0.43%.
– Other candidates received less than 1% of the total votes.
Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Nanded South, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: The winning MLA candidate from Nanded South, Maharashtra elections in 2019 is Mohanrao Marotrao Hambarde from the Indian National Congress (INC) party.
Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Nanded South, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: The winning candidate, Mohanrao Marotrao Hambarde, received 46,943 votes in Nanded South, Maharashtra elections in 2019.
Q: Which party won the elections in Nanded South, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The Indian National Congress (INC) party won the elections in Nanded South, Maharashtra in 2019.
Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Nanded South, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first candidate, Mohanrao Marotrao Hambarde, and the second candidate, Deelip Venkatrao Kandkurte, was 3,632 votes.
Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Nanded South, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The second candidate, Deelip Venkatrao Kandkurte, received 43,351 votes in Nanded South, Maharashtra in 2019.
Q: How many people voted in total in Nanded South, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 182,749 people voted in Nanded South, Maharashtra in 2019.
Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Nanded South, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The percentage of people who voted in Nanded South, Maharashtra in 2019 was 58.29%.
Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Nanded South, Maharashtra?
A: The winning candidate, Mohanrao Marotrao Hambarde, received 359 postal votes, while the second candidate, Deelip Venkatrao Kandkurte, received 330 postal votes.

Chirag Sachdeva is a seasoned digital marketing expert with over 15 years of experience spanning digital strategy, content management, and SEO. Chirag is the founder of Digifly Technology, where he empowers businesses to grow through innovative digital solutions. With a deep understanding of content strategy and market trends.