Loha MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Maharashtra Constituency is a significant region in the state’s political landscape. In the 2019 Vidhan Sabha elections, Loha MLA played a crucial role in shaping the constituency’s future. The election results revealed the candidate’s name, total votes secured, and the winning margin, shedding light on the prevailing political climate. This data is essential for understanding the electorate’s preferences and the direction in which the constituency is headed. The Loha MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results reflect the democratic process and the people’s choices, offering valuable insights into the region’s political dynamics. Stay updated with the latest developments in Maharashtra Constituency for a comprehensive understanding of its political landscape.

Key Candidates in the Loha MLA 2019 Elections

In the Loha 2019 elections, key candidates include:

– Shyamsundar Shinde, a 69-year-old male from the general community, representing PWPI. He is associated with the Cart symbol and received 52.76% of the votes.

– Shivkumar Narayanrao Narangale, a 47-year-old male from the general community, representing VBA. He is associated with the Gas symbol and received 19.36% of the votes.

– Dhondge Mukteshwar Keshavrao, a 53-year-old male from the general community, representing SHS. He is associated with the Bow and symbol and received 16.07% of the votes.

– Dilip Shankaranna Dhondge, a 43-year-old male from the general community, representing NCP. He is associated with the Clock symbol and received 7.53% of the votes.

– Subhash Bhagwan Kolhe, a 35-year-old male from the general community, representing SBBGP. He is associated with the Sewing symbol and received 1.33% of the votes.

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– Pandurang Tolaba Wanne, a 55-year-old male from the SC community, running as an independent candidate. He is associated with the Gas Stove symbol and received 0.88% of the votes.

– NOTA, representing 5 votes, received 0.65% of the total votes.

– Hanmant Raghunath Wadwale, a 54-year-old male from the general community, representing BSP. He is associated with the Elephant symbol and received 0.58% of the votes.

– Bharat Babarao Kopnar, a 35-year-old male from the general community, running as an independent candidate. He is associated with the Pressure symbol and received 0.33% of the votes.

– Rukminbai Shankarrao Gite, a 62-year-old female from the general community, representing JD(S). She is associated with the carrying symbol and received 0.27% of the votes.

– Rangnath Bapurao Gajale TURN OUT, a 32-year-old male from the SC community, running as an independent candidate. He is associated with the Cup & symbol and received 0.24% of the votes.

 Loha Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

– Shyamsundar Shinde received 101,668 votes, accounting for 52.76% of the total votes, making him the winner
– Shivkumar Narayanrao Narangale was the runner up with 37,306 votes, representing 19.36% of the total votes
– Dhondge Mukteshwar Keshavrao secured 30,965 votes, totaling 16.07% of the votes
– Dilip Shankaranna Dhondge received 14,517 votes, making up 7.53% of the total votes
– Subhash Bhagwan Kolhe garnered 2,559 votes, accounting for 1.33% of the total votes
– Pandurang Tolaba Wanne received 1,700 votes, totaling 0.88% of the votes
– NOTA (None of the Above) received 1,249 votes, representing 0.65% of the total votes
– Hanmant Raghunath Wadwale secured 1,118 votes, making up 0.58% of the total votes
– Bharat Babarao Kopnar received 634 votes, accounting for 0.33% of the total votes
– Rukminbai Shankarrao Gite garnered 518 votes, totaling 0.27% of the votes
– Rangnath Bapurao Gajale TURN OUT received 461 votes, representing 0.24% of the total votes

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 Loha Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
LohaBharat Babarao KopnarGENERALINDPressure63406340.33
LohaDhondge Mukteshwar KeshavraoGENERALSHSBow and304285373096516.07
LohaDilip Shankaranna DhondgeGENERALNCPClock1443681145177.53
LohaHanmant Raghunath WadwaleGENERALBSPElephant1115311180.58
LohaPandurang Tolaba WanneSCINDGas Stove1699117000.88
LohaRangnath Bapurao GajaleSCINDCup &46014610.24
LohaRukminbai Shankarrao GiteGENERALJD(S)carrying51535180.27
LohaShivkumar Narayanrao NarangaleGENERALVBAGas371201863730619.36
LohaShyamsundar ShindeGENERALPWPICart100462120610166852.76
LohaSubhash Bhagwan KolheGENERALSBBGPSewing2558125591.33

Loha Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

Shyamsundar Shinde from PWPI received 52.76% of the votes, Shivkumar Narayanrao Narangale from VBA received 19.36% of the votes, Dhondge Mukteshwar Keshavrao from SHS received 16.07% of the votes, and Dilip Shankaranna Dhondge from NCP received 7.53% of the votes. The remaining candidates received less than 2% of the votes each.


Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Loha, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Shyamsundar Shinde from the PWPI party is the winning MLA candidate from Loha, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Loha, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: The winning candidate, Shyamsundar Shinde, received 100,462 votes in Loha, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

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Q: Which party won the elections in Loha, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The PWPI party won the elections in Loha, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Loha, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first and second candidate in Loha, Maharashtra was 52,156 votes.

Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Loha, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The second candidate, Shivkumar Narayanrao Narangale, received 37,306 votes in Loha, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many people voted in total in Loha, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 191,734 people voted in Loha, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Loha, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The percentage of people who voted in Loha, Maharashtra in 2019 was 61.23%.

Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Loha, Maharashtra?
A: Shyamsundar Shinde received 1,206 postal votes, Shivkumar Narayanrao Narangale received 186 postal votes, Dhondge Mukteshwar Keshavrao received 537 postal votes, and the other candidates received varying numbers of postal votes.

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