Kalina MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Are you curious about the recent Maharashtra Constituency election results? The Kalina MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results have been a hot topic of discussion. The winning candidate’s name, the number of votes they secured, and their winning margin are all of great interest to the public. The election has had a significant impact on the political landscape of the region, and the results have been eagerly awaited. Stay tuned for a detailed breakdown of the election results and an analysis of the winning candidate’s performance. The Kalina MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results are sure to have a lasting impact on Maharashtra’s political scene.

Key Candidates in the Kalina MLA 2019 Elections

In the 2019 Kalina elections, the key candidates are:

– SANJAY GOVIND POTNIS, a 69-year-old male from the general community, representing SHS. He received 36.53% of the votes, with 43,250 votes in his favor.

– GEORGE ABRAHAM, also a 69-year-old male from the general community, representing INC. He secured 32.37% of the votes, with 38,364 votes in his favor.

– SANJAY RAMCHANDRA TURDE, a 58-year-old male from the general community, representing MNS. He received 18.89% of the votes, with 22,382 votes in his favor.

– NOTA, with 3006 votes, representing the “None of the Above” option.

– MANISHA SACHIN JADHAV, a 46-year-old female from the SC community, representing VBA. She secured 2.51% of the votes, with 2,969 votes in her favor.

– MOHAMMED SUFIYAN SAYED, a 44-year-old male from the general community, representing AIMIM. He received 2.22% of the votes, with 2,632 votes in his favor.

– JAVED MOHAMMAD RAFIQUE SHAIKH, a 42-year-old male from the general community, representing IND. He secured 1.26% of the votes, with 1,496 votes in his favor.

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– ISMAIL IBRAHIM SHAIKH, a 71-year-old male from the general community, representing SP. He received 1.05% of the votes, with 1,250 votes in his favor.

– MORE VINOD PUNDLIK, a 45-year-old male from the SC community, representing BSP. He secured 1.01% of the votes, with 1,191 votes in his favor.

– ADV. PRADEEP NAMBIAR, a 56-year-old male from the general community, representing IND. He received 0.52% of the votes, with 618 votes in his favor.

– LAXMAN NAGU KAIKADI, a 49-year-old male from the general community, representing APoI. He secured 0.3% of the votes, with 356 votes in his favor.

– GAYATRI R JAISWAL, a 37-year-old female from the general community, representing PWPI. She received 0.3% of the votes, with 353 votes in her favor.

– SATPUTE VISHAL JANU, a 44-year-old male from the SC community, representing IND. He secured 0.27% of the votes, with 326 votes in his favor.

– TAFFAJJUL HUSAIN KHAN (JUGNU), a 42-year-old male from the general community, representing BAHUMP. He received 0.12% of the votes, with 148 votes in his favor.

– SHORAB SHAIKH TURN OUT, a 48-year-old male from the general community, representing BHABHAPA. He secured 0.09% of the votes, with 101 votes in his favor.

 Kalina Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

– Winner: SANJAY GOVIND POTNIS, SHS, 43319 votes, 36.53%
– Runner Up: GEORGE ABRAHAM, INC, 38388 votes, 32.37%
– Total votes: 118586

 Kalina Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
KalinaGEORGE ABRAHAMGENERALINCHand38364243838832.37
KalinaMORE VINOD PUNDLIKSCBSPElephant1191111921.01
KalinaSANJAY GOVIND POTNISGENERALSHSBow and43250694331936.53
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Kalina Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

Party-Wise Performance in Kalina 2019 elections:
– SHS (Sanjay Govind Potnis): 36.53% of the votes
– INC (George Abraham): 32.37% of the votes
– MNS (Sanjay Ramchandra Turde): 18.89% of the votes
– NOTA: 2.54% of the votes
– VBA (Manisha Sachin Jadhav): 2.51% of the votes
– AIMIM (Mohammed Sufiyan Sayed): 2.22% of the votes
– IND (Javed Mohammad Rafique Shaikh): 1.26% of the votes
– SP (Ismail Ibrahim Shaikh): 1.05% of the votes
– BSP (More Vinod Pundlik): 1.01% of the votes
– IND (Adv. Pradeep Nambiar): 0.52% of the votes
– APoI (Laxman Nagu Kaikadi): 0.3% of the votes
– PWPI (Gayatri R Jaiswal): 0.3% of the votes
– IND (Satpute Vishal Janu): 0.27% of the votes
– BAHUMP (Taffajjul Husain Khan): 0.12% of the votes
– BHABHAPA (Shorab Shaikh Turn Out): 0.09% of the votes


Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Kalina, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: The winning MLA candidate from Kalina, Maharashtra in 2019 is Sanjay Govind Potnis from the Shiv Sena (SHS) party.

Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Kalina, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: The winning candidate, Sanjay Govind Potnis, received 43,250 votes in the 2019 elections.

Q: Which party won the elections in Kalina, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The Shiv Sena (SHS) party won the elections in Kalina, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Kalina, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first and second candidate was 4,886 votes.

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Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Kalina, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The second candidate, George Abraham from the Indian National Congress (INC) party, received 38,364 votes in the 2019 elections.

Q: How many people voted in total in Kalina, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 1,18,335 people voted in the Kalina, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Kalina, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The voter turnout percentage in Kalina, Maharashtra in 2019 was 60.87%.

Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Kalina, Maharashtra?
A: The details on the number of postal votes received by each candidate are not provided in the given content.

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