Kinwat MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Are you curious about the Maharashtra Constituency of Kinwat and the 2019 Vidhan Sabha election results? Look no further! In the 2019 election, the Kinwat MLA Vidhan Sabha seat saw a fierce competition among candidates vying for victory. The election results revealed the name of the winning candidate, the total number of votes received, and the winning margins. The constituents of Kinwat eagerly awaited the outcome, and the results had a significant impact on the political landscape of Maharashtra. Stay informed about the latest updates and developments in the Kinwat constituency to stay ahead of the game.

Key Candidates in the Kinwat MLA 2019 Elections

In the Kinwat 2019 elections, the key candidates and their respective communities and parties are as follows:

– Bhimrao Ramji Keram, MALE, 57, ST, BJP, Lotus
– Prof. Dr. Hamraj Uike, MALE, 42, ST, VBA, Gas
– Vinod Rathod (Patil), MALE, 73, GENERAL, MNS, Engine
– Walkulwad Kondba Maroti, MALE, 32, GENERAL, IND, DIAMOND
– Adv Pradip Deva Rathod, MALE, 48, GENERAL, IND, SHIP
– Madhavrao Sudamji Maraskole, MALE, 73, ST, IND, Chalata
– Adkine Santosh Madhav, MALE, 36, GENERAL, BMUP, Cot
– Rajesh Narayan Dhaware, MALE, 38, SC, IND, Helicopter
– Sandipbhau Nikhate, MALE, 40, SC, BSP, Elephant
– Mirchi Maharaj Dharamdas Tripathi, MALE, 63, GENERAL, JJJKP, Television
– Vishal Datta Shinde, MALE, 35, GENERAL, SBBGP, Machine
– Anaiddin Fayyajoddin Shaikh, MALE, 61, GENERAL, IND, Bat
– Syed Imran Ali, MALE, 37, GENERAL, IUML, Saucer
– Shadulla Shekha Ahemad TURN OUT, MALE, 43, GENERAL, BALP, Containing

These candidates represent a diverse range of communities and political parties, offering voters a variety of choices in the upcoming elections.

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 Kinwat Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

– Bhimrao Ramji Keram from BJP secured 89,628 votes, accounting for 48.56% of the total votes
– JADHAV PRADEEP NAIK from NCP was the runner up with 76,356 votes, representing 41.37% of the total votes
– Prof. Dr. Hamraj Uike from VBA received 11,764 votes, making up 6.37% of the total votes
– NOTA (None of the above) received 1,041 votes, constituting 0.56% of the total votes
– Vinod Rathod (Patil) from MNS secured 1,002 votes, accounting for 0.54% of the total votes
– Walkulwad Kondba Maroti from IND received 895 votes, making up 0.48% of the total votes
– Adv Pradip Deva Rathod from IND received 797 votes, accounting for 0.43% of the total votes
– Madhavrao Sudamji Maraskole from IND secured 409 votes, representing 0.22% of the total votes
– Adkine Santosh Madhav from BMUP received 402 votes, accounting for 0.22% of the total votes
– Rajesh Narayan Dhaware from IND received 400 votes, making up 0.22% of the total votes
– Sandipbhau Nikhate from BSP secured 343 votes, representing 0.19% of the total votes
– Mirchi Maharaj Dharamdas Tripathi from JJJKP received 315 votes, accounting for 0.17% of the total votes
– Vishal Datta Shinde from SBBGP received 315 votes, making up 0.17% of the total votes
– Anaiddin Fayyajoddin Shaikh from IND received 304 votes, representing 0.16% of the total votes
– Syed Imran Ali from IUML secured 298 votes, accounting for 0.16% of the total votes
– Shadulla Shekha Ahemad TURN OUT from BALP received 287 votes, making up 0.16% of the total votes

 Kinwat Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
KinwatAdkine Santosh MadhavGENERALBMUPCot39754020.22
KinwatAdv Pradip Deva RathodGENERALINDSHIP79527970.43
KinwatAnaiddin Fayyajoddin ShaikhGENERALINDBat30403040.16
KinwatBhimrao Ramji KeramSTBJPLotus889786508962848.56
KinwatJADHAV PRADEEP NAIKGENERALNCPClock758644927635641.37
KinwatMadhavrao Sudamji MaraskoleSTINDChalata40724090.22
KinwatMirchi Maharaj Dharamdas TripathiGENERALJJJKPTelevision31413150.17
KinwatProf. Dr. Hamraj UikeSTVBAGas11639125117646.37
KinwatRajesh Narayan DhawareSCINDHelicopter39914000.22
KinwatSandipbhau NikhateSCBSPElephant34123430.19
KinwatShadulla Shekha AhemadGENERALBALPContaining28612870.16
KinwatSyed Imran AliGENERALIUMLSaucer29532980.16
KinwatVinod Rathod (Patil)GENERALMNSEngine1001110020.54
KinwatVishal Datta ShindeGENERALSBBGPMachine31503150.17
KinwatWalkulwad Kondba MarotiGENERALINDDIAMOND89508950.48
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Kinwat Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

According to the data provided, the party-wise performance in the Kinwat 2019 elections is as follows:

– BJP (Lotus symbol) candidate Bhimrao Ramji Keram received 48.56% of the total votes, with a total of 89,628 votes.

– NCP (Clock symbol) candidate JADHAV PRADEEP NAIK received 41.37% of the total votes, with a total of 76,356 votes.

– VBA (Gas symbol) candidate Prof. Dr. Hamraj Uike received 6.37% of the total votes, with a total of 11,764 votes.

– NOTA (None of the Above) received 0.56% of the total votes, with a total of 1,041 votes.

– MNS (Engine symbol) candidate Vinod Rathod (Patil) received 0.54% of the total votes, with a total of 1,002 votes.

– IND (DIAMOND symbol) candidate Walkulwad Kondba Maroti received 0.48% of the total votes, with a total of 895 votes.

– Other candidates received less than 0.5% of the total votes.


Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Kinwat, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Bhimrao Ramji Keram from the BJP party was the winning MLA candidate from Kinwat, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Kinwat, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: The winning candidate, Bhimrao Ramji Keram, received 89,678 votes in Kinwat, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

Q: Which party won the elections in Kinwat, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The BJP party won the elections in Kinwat, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Kinwat, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first and second candidate in Kinwat, Maharashtra was 13,314 votes.

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Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Kinwat, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The second candidate, JADHAV PRADEEP NAIK from the NCP party, received 75,864 votes in Kinwat, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many people voted in total in Kinwat, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 184,041 people voted in Kinwat, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Kinwat, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The percentage of people who voted in Kinwat, Maharashtra in 2019 was 58.47%.

Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Kinwat, Maharashtra?
A: The details of postal votes for the candidates are not provided in the given content.

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