Aurangabad East MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

The Maharashtra Constituency of Aurangabad East is a crucial region in the state’s political landscape. In the 2019 Vidhan Sabha elections, the constituency witnessed a highly anticipated battle for the MLA seat. The results of the election were closely watched by political analysts and citizens alike. The winning candidate secured a significant number of votes, indicating a strong support base in the region. The winning margin further solidified the candidate’s position as the elected representative for Aurangabad East. The 2019 election results for the Aurangabad East MLA seat revealed the candidate’s name, total votes, and the winning margin, shaping the political future of the constituency.

Key Candidates in the Aurangabad East MLA 2019 Elections

In the 2019 Aurangabad East elections, the key candidates are as follows:

– Atul Mooreshwar Save, a 62-year-old male candidate from the BJP, symbolized by the Lotus, received 48.1% of the votes, with a total of 93,966 votes.

– Dr. Abdul Gaffar Quadri Syed, a 67-year-old male candidate from AIMIM, symbolized by the Kite, received 40.97% of the votes, with a total of 80,036 votes.

– Kaleem Chotu Quraishi, a 47-year-old male candidate from SP, symbolized by the Bicycle, received 2.84% of the votes, with a total of 5,555 votes.

– Kishor Vishvanath Mhaske, a 53-year-old male candidate from BSP, symbolized by the Elephant, received 2.03% of the votes, with a total of 3,970 votes.

– Isa Yaseen, a 44-year-old male candidate from MBT, symbolized by the Cylinder, received 1.23% of the votes, with a total of 2,395 votes.

– NOTA, with a total of 1,953 votes, representing 1% of the votes.

– Yousuf Mukati, a 50-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Apple, received 0.44% of the votes, with a total of 856 votes.

– Mohamd Jakeer Abdul Quadar, a 49-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Helmet, received 0.31% of the votes, with a total of 609 votes.

– Mahendra Kacharu Sonawane, a 45-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Helicopter, received 0.27% of the votes, with a total of 535 votes.

– Neeta Abhimanyu Bhalerao, a 41-year-old female candidate from IND, symbolized by the Stool, received 0.26% of the votes, with a total of 510 votes.

– Bhujang Bhimrao Vimalbai, a 38-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Gas Stove, received 0.25% of the votes, with a total of 495 votes.

– Daivshali Devidas Zine, a 58-year-old female candidate from IND, symbolized by the Dolli, received 0.25% of the votes, with a total of 480 votes.

– Kiran Govind Shirwat, a 40-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Air, received 0.19% of the votes, with a total of 377 votes.

– Suvarna Ramakant Bhosale, a 41-year-old female candidate from IND, symbolized by the Containing, received 0.19% of the votes, with a total of 365 votes.

– Dinesh Gautam Gawale, a 30-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Telephone, received 0.18% of the votes, with a total of 353 votes.

– Suresh Sanduji Ingle, a 60-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Almirah, received 0.15% of the votes, with a total of 288 votes.

– Ayub Habib Khan, a 52-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Envelope, received 0.13% of the votes, with a total of 260 votes.

See also  Sangamner MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

– Adv Rameshbhai Khandagale, a 71-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Auto, received 0.11% of the votes, with a total of 220 votes.

– Rahul Ramkrushna Ingle, a 41-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Chalata, received 0.11% of the votes, with a total of 217 votes.

– Siddharth Subhash Sable, a 40-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Camera, received 0.11% of the votes, with a total of 210 votes.

– Uddhav Govardhan Bansode, a 41-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Whistle, received 0.1% of the votes, with a total of 202 votes.

– Shivprasad Ashok Pagar, a 36-year-old male candidate from PHJSP, symbolized by the Cup &, received 0.1% of the votes, with a total of 202 votes.

– Hanif Shaha Ibrahim Shaha, a 55-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Television, received 0.09% of the votes, with a total of 181 votes.

– Mukund Tryambak Ghorpade, a 57-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Road Roller, received 0.08% of the votes, with a total of 158 votes.

– Dushyant Shravan Patil, a 50-year-old male candidate from PPID, symbolized by the Black Board, received 0.06% of the votes, with a total of 125 votes.

– Shaikh Khaja Shaikh Kasim Kismatwala, a 47-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Iron, received 0.06% of the votes, with a total of 118 votes.

– Abdul Azim Abdul Aziz Shaikh, a 45-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Shoe, received 0.05% of the votes, with a total of 99 votes.

– Jiyaullha Akbar Shaikh, a 47-year-old male candidate from TPSTP, symbolized by the Kettle, received 0.05% of the votes, with a total of 92 votes.

– Sayyed Karim Ul Husan Sayyed Khaja, a 54-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Bangles, received 0.04% of the votes, with a total of 87 votes.

– Rahul Haribhau Mankar, a 39-year-old male candidate from APoI, symbolized by the Coat, received 0.04% of the votes, with a total of 87 votes.

– Prof Dr Haridas Bhanudas Nagre, a 66-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the COMPUTER, received 0.04% of the votes, with a total of 82 votes.

– Vishal Kaduba Pakhare, a 43-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Baby Walker, received 0.04% of the votes, with a total of 75 votes.

– Babasaheb Santukrao Shelke, a 69-year-old male candidate from SVPP, symbolized by the Mike, received 0.03% of the votes, with a total of 64 votes.

– Liyakat Shoukat Khan, a 45-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the BUCKET, received 0.03% of the votes, with a total of 63 votes.

– Shafique Budhan Shaikh Turn Out, a 52-year-old male candidate from IND, symbolized by the Balloon, received 0.03% of the votes, with a total of 62 votes.

 Aurangabad East Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

– In the Aurangabad East 2019 election, Atul Moreshwar Save of the BJP won with a total of 93,966 votes, which accounts for 48.1% of the votes.
– The runner up in the election was Dr. Abdul Gaffar Quadri Syed from AIMIM, who received 80,036 votes, making up 40.97% of the total votes.
– Other candidates in the election received significantly fewer votes, with the third-place candidate, Kaleem Chotu Quraishi of SP, receiving 5,555 votes, amounting to 2.84% of the total votes.

 Aurangabad East Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
Aurangabad centralABDUL QADEER AMEER SAYYEDGENERALNCPClock72266472903.75
Aurangabad centralADV. ABHAY MANOHAR TAKSALGENERALCPIEars of Corn1051810590.54
Aurangabad centralAMIT SUDHAKAR BHUIGALSCVBAGas270472552730214.04
Aurangabad centralANWAR ALIGENERALINDBat23802380.12
Aurangabad centralAYYUB KHA SALEEM KHA PATHANGENERALINDEnvelope34803480.18
Aurangabad centralCHETAN JANARDHAN KAMBLESCPWPICup &1127411310.58
Aurangabad centralJAISWAL PRADEEP SHIVNARAYANGENERALSHSBow and8116010578221742.27
Aurangabad centralKIRTI MAHENDRA SHINDEGENERALINDAuto-29394829871.54
Aurangabad centralLATIF JABBAR KHANGENERALTPSTPKettle36403640.19
Aurangabad centralMOINUDDIN FAROOQUIGENERALINDSewing21902190.11
Aurangabad centralNANA KISANRAO MHASKESCBSPElephant88398920.46
Aurangabad centralNOTANANANA13471813650.7
Aurangabad centralVINAYAK TUKARAM BHANUSEGENERALINDChalata38413850.2
Aurangabad EastATUL MORESHWAR SAVEGENERALBJPLotus933456219396648.1
Aurangabad EastAYUB HABIB KHANGENERALINDEnvelope26002600.13
Aurangabad EastBHUJANG BHIMRAO VIMALBAISCINDGas Stove49504950.25
Aurangabad EastDAIVSHALI DEVIDAS ZINESCINDDolli47914800.25
Aurangabad EastDINESH GAUTAM GAWALESCINDTelephone35303530.18
Aurangabad EastDr. ABDUL GAFFAR QUADRI SYEDGENERALAIMIMKite797832538003640.97
Aurangabad EastDUSHYANT SHRAVAN PATILSCPPIDBlack Board12501250.06
Aurangabad EastHANIF SHAHA IBRAHIM SHAHAGENERALINDTelevision18101810.09
Aurangabad EastISA YASEENGENERALMBTCylinder23811423951.23
Aurangabad EastKALEEM CHOTU QURAISHIGENERALSPBicycle55401555552.84
Aurangabad EastKISHOR VISHVANATH MHASKESCBSPElephant39442639702.03
Aurangabad EastMAHENDRA KACHARU SONAWANESCINDHelicopter53325350.27
Aurangabad EastMUKUND TRYAMBAK GHORPADESCINDRoad Roller15801580.08
Aurangabad EastNEETA ABHIMANYU BHALERAOSCINDStool50915100.26
Aurangabad EastNOTANANANA19411219531
Aurangabad EastRAHUL HARIBHAU MANKARSCAPoICoat870870.04
Aurangabad EastRAHUL RAMKRUSHNA INGLESCINDChalata21522170.11
Aurangabad EastSIDDHARTH SUBHASH SABLESCINDCamera21002100.11
Aurangabad EastSURESH SANDUJI INGLESCINDAlmirah28712880.15
Aurangabad EastSUVARNA RAMAKANT BHOSALEGENERALINDcontaining36413650.19
Aurangabad EastUDDHAV GOVARDHAN BANSODESCINDWhistle20112020.1
Aurangabad EastVISHAL KADUBA PAKHARESCINDBaby Walker741750.04
Aurangabad EastYOUSUF MUKATIGENERALINDApple85248560.44
Aurangabad WestAmol Ashok RaiwaleSCINDTruck50925110.26
Aurangabad WestArun Vitthlrao BordeSCAIMIMKite392111253933619.71
Aurangabad WestAucharmal Fakirchand KashinathSCAPoICoat42714280.21
Aurangabad WestKiran Bhimrao ChabukswarSCINDDIAMOND59916000.3
Aurangabad WestMali Vinod RamsingSCINDWater Tank50995180.26
Aurangabad WestManisha KharatSCBAHUMPWhistle35363590.18
Aurangabad WestNOTANANANA31444331871.6
Aurangabad WestPankaja Ramhari ManeSCINDCOMPUTER49084980.25
Aurangabad WestPradip Karbhari TribhuwanSCPHJSPCup &58455890.3
Aurangabad WestRaju Ramrao ShindeSCINDMachine430453024334721.72
Aurangabad WestRamesh Kisan JadhavSCINDAuto-71217130.36
Aurangabad WestSandeep Bhausaheb ShirsatSCVBAGas255001492564912.85
Aurangabad WestSanjay Pandurang ShirsatSCSHSBow and830996938379242
See also  Savner MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Aurangabad East Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

Party-Wise Performance:
BJP: 48.1%
AIMIM: 40.97%
SP: 2.84%
BSP: 2.03%
MBT: 1.23%
NOTA: 1%
IND: 3.92%
PHJSP: 0.1%
PPID: 0.06%
TPSTP: 0.05%
APoI: 0.04%
SVPP: 0.03%


Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Aurangabad East, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Atul Moreshwar Save from the BJP party was the winning MLA candidate from Aurangabad East, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Atul Moreshwar Save received 93,345 votes in the Aurangabad East, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

Q: Which party won the elections in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The BJP party won the elections in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first and second candidate was 13,562 votes.

Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: Dr. Abdul Gaffar Quadri Syed, the second candidate, received 79,783 votes in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many people voted in total in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 1,94,783 people voted in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The percentage of people who voted in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra in 2019 was 48.1%.

Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Aurangabad East, Maharashtra?
A: Atul Moreshwar Save received 621 postal votes, while Dr. Abdul Gaffar Quadri Syed received 253 postal votes.

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