Nashik West MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Maharashtra Constituency, Nashik West, is a significant region in the state’s political landscape. The 2019 Vidhan Sabha election results for Nashik West MLA seat saw intense competition between various candidates. The winning candidate secured a significant number of votes, showcasing the electorate’s active participation in the democratic process. The victory margin highlighted the people’s choice for their representative. The name of the winning candidate, the total votes garnered, and the winning margin played a crucial role in shaping the political dynamics of the region. The 2019 election results for Nashik West MLA Vidhan Sabha seat reflect the aspirations and preferences of the constituency’s residents.

Key Candidates in the Nashik West MLA 2019 Elections

In the 2019 Nashik West elections, the key candidates include:

– Seema Mahesh Hiray (Seematai), FEMALE, 54, GENERAL, BJP, Lotus
– Dr. Apoorva Prashant Hiray, MALE, 44, GENERAL, NCP, Clock
– Dilip Dattu Datir, MALE, 47, GENERAL, MNS, Engine
– Dhondiram Limbaji Karad, MALE, 67, GENERAL, CPIM, Sickle
– Vilas Ramdas Shinde, MALE, 53, GENERAL, IND, Bat
– Bipin Annasaheb Katare, MALE, 34, SC, IND, Gas
– Bhimrao Lakshmanrao Jadhav, MALE, 54, SC, BSP, Elephant
– Deva Haribhau Waghmare, MALE, 46, GENERAL, IND, Chalata
– Nitin Narayan Sarode, MALE, 43, GENERAL, IND, Helmet
– Lankesh Ananda Mistari, MALE, 43, GENERAL, IND, Auto-
– Datta Dnyandev Ambhore, MALE, 33, SC, PPID, Black Board
– Manisha Bhavsing Salunke, FEMALE, 41, GENERAL, BVA, Whistle
– Sachin Punjaram Ahirrao, MALE, 44, GENERAL, IND, Cup &
– Shivaji Subhash Wagh, MALE, 40, GENERAL, IND, Iron
– Bhiva Lahu Kale, MALE, 57, SC, IND, Conditioner
– Prof. Mehta Shalikram Nagbhide, MALE, 58, SC, IND, COMPUTER
– Mangesh Pundlik Pawar, MALE, 32, SC, BMUP, Cot
– Kolappa Hanumant Dhotre, MALE, 61, GENERAL, IND, Television
– Devakaran Shankar Tayade TURN OUT, MALE, 67, GENERAL, IND, Chakki

 Nashik West Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

– Seema Mahesh Hiray (Seematai), FEMALE, 54, GENERAL, BJP, Lotus, 77801 votes, 35.65%
– Dr. Apoorva Prashant Hiray, MALE, 44, GENERAL, NCP, Clock, 67979 votes, 31.19%
– Dilip Dattu Datir, MALE, 47, GENERAL, MNS, Engine, 25437 votes, 11.65%
– Dhondiram Limbaji Karad, MALE, 67, GENERAL, CPIM, Sickle, 22611 votes, 10.35%
– Vilas Ramdas Shinde, MALE, 53, GENERAL, IND, Bat, 16384 votes, 7.5%
– Bipin Annasaheb Katare, MALE, 34, SC, IND, Gas, 2267 votes, 1.04%
– NOTA, 2109 votes, 0.97%
– Bhimrao Lakshmanrao Jadhav, MALE, 54, SC, BSP, Elephant, 788 votes, 0.36%
– Deva Haribhau Waghmare, MALE, 46, GENERAL, IND, Chalata, 787 votes, 0.36%
– Nitin Narayan Sarode, MALE, 43, GENERAL, IND, Helmet, 426 votes, 0.19%
– Lankesh Ananda Mistari, MALE, 43, GENERAL, IND, Auto, 300 votes, 0.14%
– Datta Dnyandev Ambhore, MALE, 33, SC, PPID, Black Board, 250 votes, 0.11%
– Manisha Bhavsing Salunke, FEMALE, 41, GENERAL, BVA, Whistle, 225 votes, 0.1%
– Sachin Punjaram Ahirrao, MALE, 44, GENERAL, IND, Cup, 182 votes, 0.08%
– Shivaji Subhash Wagh, MALE, 40, GENERAL, IND, Iron, 161 votes, 0.07%
– Bhiva Lahu Kale, MALE, 57, SC, IND, Conditioner, 132 votes, 0.06%
– Prof. Mehta Shalikram Nagbhide, MALE, 58, SC, IND, COMPUTER, 128 votes, 0.06%
– Mangesh Pundlik Pawar, MALE, 32, SC, BMUP, Cot, 84 votes, 0.04%
– Kolappa Hanumant Dhotre, MALE, 61, GENERAL, IND, Television, 83 votes
– Devakaran Shankar Tayade TURN OUT, MALE, 67, GENERAL, IND, Chakki, 82 votes

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 Nashik West Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
Nashik centralAJIJ ABBAS PATHANGENERALINDRickshaw53215330.34
Nashik centralBHOSALE NITIN KESHAVRAOGENERALMNSRailway220101302214014.26
Nashik centralDEEPAK RANGNATH DOKESCBSPElephant93039330.6
Nashik centralDEVIDAS PIRAJI SARKATESCINDCup &33303330.21
Nashik centralDEVYANI SUHAS PHARANDEGENERALBJPLotus731413197346047.3
Nashik centralHEMLATA NINAD PATILGENERALINCHand448741884506229.01
Nashik centralNOTANANANA2484924931.61
Nashik centralSANJAY BHARAT SABALEGENERALVBAGas91273691635.9
Nashik centralWAGH KAPIL SUDHAKARSCAPoICoat39103910.25
Nashik EastAdv. Amol Changdeo PathadeSCBSPElephant84628480.47
Nashik EastAdv. Rahul Uattamrao DhikleGENERALBJPLotus858514538630447.68
Nashik EastAvhad Mahesh ZunjarGENERALINDGanna Kisan12111220.07
Nashik EastBalasaheb Mahadu SanapGENERALNCPClock737705347430441.05
Nashik EastBharti Anil MogalGENERALINDRoad Roller37503750.21
Nashik EastGanesh Sukdeo UnhawaneSCINCHand44822345052.49
Nashik EastNitin Pandurang GunvantGENERALINDCup &41314140.23
Nashik EastNOTANANANA30672330901.71
Nashik EastSangale Waman MahadevGENERALINDAuto-23102310.13
Nashik EastSanjay (Sanju BaBa) Hari BhurkudGENERALINDChalata35713580.2
Nashik EastSantosh Ashok NathGENERALVBACylinder1005145100965.58
Nashik EastSharad (Baban) Kashinath BodkeGENERALINDPressure15401540.09
Nashik EastSubhash Balasaheb PatilGENERALINDCOMPUTER21712180.12
Nashik WestBhimrao Lakshmanrao JadhavSCBSPElephant78627880.36
Nashik WestBhiva Lahu KaleSCINDConditioner13201320.06
Nashik WestBipin Annasaheb KatareSCINDGas2267322701.04
Nashik WestDatta Dnyandev AmbhoreSCPPIDBlack Board25002500.11
Nashik WestDeva Haribhau WaghmareGENERALINDChalata78617870.36
Nashik WestDevakaran Shankar TayadeGENERALINDChakki820820.04
Nashik WestDhondiram Limbaji KaradGENERALCPIMSickle and22611462265710.35
Nashik WestDilip Dattu DatirGENERALMNSEngine25437642550111.65
Nashik WestDr. Apoorva Prashant HirayGENERALNCPClock679793166829531.19
Nashik WestKolappa Hanumant DhotreGENERALINDTelevision83083Page 62
Nashik WestLankesh Ananda MistariGENERALINDAuto-30003000.14
Nashik WestMangesh Pundlik PawarSCBMUPCot840840.04
Nashik WestManisha Bhavsing SalunkeGENERALBVAWhistle22502250.1
Nashik WestNitin Narayan SarodeGENERALINDHelmet42424260.19
Nashik WestNOTANANANA2109921180.97
Nashik WestProf. Mehta Shalikram NagbhideSCINDCOMPUTER12711280.06
Nashik WestSachin Punjaram AhirraoGENERALINDCup &18201820.08
Nashik WestSeema Mahesh Hiray (Seematai)GENERALBJPLotus778012407804135.65
Nashik WestShivaji Subhash WaghGENERALINDIron16101610.07
Nashik WestVilas Ramdas ShindeGENERALINDBat1638445164297.5
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Nashik West Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

Party-Wise Performance:
– BJP: Seema Mahesh Hiray (Seematai) received 35.65% of the votes with 78,041 total votes.
– NCP: Dr. Apoorva Prashant Hiray received 31.19% of the votes with 68,295 total votes.
– MNS: Dilip Dattu Datir received 11.65% of the votes with 25,501 total votes.
– CPIM: Dhondiram Limbaji Karad received 10.35% of the votes with 22,657 total votes.
– IND: Vilas Ramdas Shinde received 7.5% of the votes with 16,429 total votes.
– BSP: Bhimrao Lakshmanrao Jadhav received 0.36% of the votes with 788 total votes.
– NOTA: NOTA received 0.97% of the votes with 2,118 total votes.
– Others: The remaining candidates received less than 0.2% of the votes each.


Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Nashik West, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Seema Mahesh Hiray (Seematai) from the BJP party was the winning MLA candidate from Nashik West, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Nashik West, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Seema Mahesh Hiray (Seematai) received 77,801 votes in Nashik West, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

Q: Which party won the elections in Nashik West, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The BJP party won the elections in Nashik West, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Nashik West, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first and second candidate in Nashik West, Maharashtra was 9,822 votes.

Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Nashik West, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: Dr. Apoorva Prashant Hiray from the NCP party received 67,979 votes in Nashik West, Maharashtra in 2019.

See also  Mukhed MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Q: How many people voted in total in Nashik West, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 2,19,151 people voted in Nashik West, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Nashik West, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The percentage of people who voted in Nashik West, Maharashtra in 2019 was 52.81%.

Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Nashik West, Maharashtra?
A: The candidates received a total of 780 postal votes in Nashik West, Maharashtra.

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