Ulhasnagar MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Maharashtra Constituency is a significant region in the state’s political landscape. Ulhasnagar MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results are a topic of great interest for residents and political enthusiasts alike. The results provide valuable insights into the winning candidate’s name, the number of votes secured, and the winning margins. These details offer a comprehensive understanding of the election outcomes and the public’s voting preferences. The 2019 election results have a direct impact on the region’s future development and governance. Stay informed about the Ulhasnagar MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results to gain valuable insights into Maharashtra’s political dynamics.

Key Candidates in the Ulhasnagar MLA 2019 Elections

Key Candidates for the Ulhasnagar 2019 elections include:

– Ailani Kumar Uttamchand, MALE, 67, GENERAL, BJP, Lotus
– Jyoti Pappu Kalani, FEMALE, 73, GENERAL, NCP, Clock
– Bhagwan Shankar Bhalerao, MALE, 54, SC, IND, Pressure
– Sajan Singh Labana, MALE, 56, GENERAL, VBA, Cylinder
– Adv. Rajendra Sahebrao Bhalerao, MALE, 58, SC, BSP, Elephant
– Adv. Siddhart R. Sable, MALE, 40, SC, IND, Cup &
– Adv. Raj Chandwani, MALE, 33, GENERAL, IND, Coat
– Jogender Singh (Sonupunjabi) Dharm Raj Khusar, MALE, 37, GENERAL, BVA, Whistle
– Abdulgaffar Sheikh, MALE, 70, GENERAL, IND, Ring
– Kajal Kanayalal Mulchandani, FEMALE, 40, GENERAL, IND, Key
– Adv. Rajkumar Soni, MALE, 47, GENERAL, IND, Television
– Laxmi Videsh Valmiki, FEMALE, 49, GENERAL, IND, Battery
– Dnyaneshwar Lokhande Mahaaraz, MALE, 42, GENERAL, IND, BISCUIT
– Sandeep (Bhau) Pandit Gaikwad, MALE, 43, SC, IND, Auto-
– Milind Kamble, MALE, 40, SC, IND, Football
– Ramesh Bansilal Mimrot, MALE, 35, SC, BMUP, Cot
– Bhatija Kamal Sunderdas, MALE, 63, GENERAL, IND, Dish
– Ibrahim Abdul Sattar Ansari TURN OUT, MALE, 60, GENERAL, IND, Bat

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 Ulhasnagar Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

– Ailani Kumar Uttamchand of BJP won the Ulhasnagar 2019 elections with 43,577 votes, making up 39.84% of the total votes.
– Jyoti Pappu Kalani of NCP was the runner up with 41,631 votes, garnering 38.01% of the total votes.
– Bhagwan Shankar Bhalerao of IND received 8,207 votes, accounting for 7.54% of the total votes.
– Sajan Singh Labana of VBA secured 5,677 votes, constituting 5.19% of the total votes.
– NOTA received 4,969 votes, making up 4.54% of the total votes.
– Adv. Rajendra Sahebrao Bhalerao of BSP got 938 votes, making up 0.86% of the total votes.
– Adv. Siddhart R. Sable of IND received 703 votes, accounting for 0.64% of the total votes.
– Adv. Raj Chandwani of IND secured 583 votes, making up 0.53% of the total votes.
– Jogender Singh (Sonupunjabi) Dharm Raj Khusar of BVA received 552 votes, constituting 0.5% of the total votes.
– Abdulgaffar Sheikh of IND received 467 votes, making up 0.43% of the total votes.
– Kajal Kanayalal Mulchandani of IND secured 460 votes, accounting for 0.42% of the total votes.
– Adv. Rajkumar Soni of IND received 286 votes, making up 0.26% of the total votes.
– Laxmi Videsh Valmiki of IND received 271 votes, accounting for 0.25% of the total votes.
– Dnyaneshwar Lokhande Mahaaraz of IND secured 258 votes, making up 0.24% of the total votes.
– Sandeep (Bhau) Pandit Gaikwad of IND received 231 votes, constituting 0.21% of the total votes.
– Milind Kamble of IND secured 191 votes, accounting for 0.17% of the total votes.
– Ramesh Bansilal Mimrot of BMUP received 181 votes, making up 0.17% of the total votes.
– Bhatija Kamal Sunderdas of IND secured 125 votes, constituting 0.11% of the total votes.
– Ibrahim Abdul Sattar Ansari TURN OUT of IND received 92 votes, making up 0.08% of the total votes.

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 Ulhasnagar Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
UlhasnagarAbdulgaffar SheikhGENERALINDRing46704670.43
UlhasnagarAdv. Raj ChandwaniGENERALINDCoat58315840.53
UlhasnagarAdv. Rajendra Sahebrao BhaleraoSCBSPElephant93839410.86
UlhasnagarAdv. Rajkumar SoniGENERALINDTelevision28602860.26
UlhasnagarAdv. Siddhart R. SableSCINDCup &70327050.64
UlhasnagarAilani Kumar UttamchandGENERALBJPLotus43577894366639.84
UlhasnagarBhagwan Shankar BhaleraoSCINDPressure82075382607.54
UlhasnagarBhatija Kamal SunderdasGENERALINDDish12501250.11
UlhasnagarDnyaneshwar Lokhande MahaarazGENERALINDBISCUIT25812590.24
UlhasnagarIbrahim Abdul Sattar AnsariGENERALINDBat920920.08
UlhasnagarJogender Singh (Sonupunjabi) Dharm Raj KhusarGENERALBVAWhistle55205520.5
UlhasnagarJyoti Pappu KalaniGENERALNCPClock41631314166238.01
UlhasnagarKajal Kanayalal MulchandaniGENERALINDKey46014610.42
UlhasnagarLaxmi Videsh ValmikiGENERALINDBattery27102710.25
UlhasnagarMilind KambleSCINDFootball19101910.17
UlhasnagarRamesh Bansilal MimrotSCBMUPCot18101810.17
UlhasnagarSajan Singh LabanaGENERALVBACylinder56771256895.19
UlhasnagarSandeep (Bhau) Pandit GaikwadSCINDAuto-23102310.21

Ulhasnagar Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

BJP candidate Ailani Kumar Uttamchand emerged as the winner in the Ulhasnagar 2019 elections with 43,666 votes, securing 39.84% of the total votes. The NCP candidate, Jyoti Pappu Kalani, secured 41,662 votes, accounting for 38.01% of the total votes. The independent candidate Bhagwan Shankar Bhalerao received 8,260 votes, while VBA candidate Sajan Singh Labana secured 5,689 votes. The NOTA option received 4,978 votes. Other candidates received significantly fewer votes, with the lowest being 92 votes for Ibrahim Abdul Sattar Ansari TURN OUT.

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Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Ailani Kumar Uttamchand from the BJP party was the winning MLA candidate from Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: The winning candidate, Ailani Kumar Uttamchand, received 43,577 votes in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

Q: Which party won the elections in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The BJP party won the elections in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first and second candidate in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra was 946 votes.

Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The second candidate, Jyoti Pappu Kalani from the NCP party, received 41,631 votes in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many people voted in total in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 1,09,308 people voted in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The percentage of people who voted in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra in 2019 was 46.56%.

Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra?
A: The winning candidate, Ailani Kumar Uttamchand, received 89 postal votes, while the second candidate, Jyoti Pappu Kalani, received 31 postal votes in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra.

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