Sawantwadi MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Maharashtra Constituency is an important region in the state, with Sawantwadi being a prominent constituency for the Vidhan Sabha 2019 elections. The election results for Sawantwadi MLA seat are crucial for understanding the political landscape in Maharashtra. The candidate name, votes, and winning margins in the 2019 election have a significant impact on the region’s representation in the state assembly. The election results provide valuable insights into the preferences and choices of the voters in Sawantwadi. Stay updated with the latest information on the Sawantwadi MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 election results to understand the political dynamics in Maharashtra.

Key Candidates in the Sawantwadi MLA 2019 Elections

In the Sawantwadi 2019 elections, the key candidates are:

– Deepak Vasantrao Kesarkar, MALE, 69, GENERAL, SHS
– Rajan Krishna Teli, MALE, 64, GENERAL, IND
– Baban Salgaonkar, MALE, 62, GENERAL, NCP
– Prakash Gopal Redkar, MALE, 56, GENERAL, MNS
– Satyawan Uttam Jadhav, MALE, 65, SC, VBA
– Dadu Alias Raju Ganesh Kadam, MALE, 40, SC, BMUP
– Ajinkya Gawade, MALE, 59, GENERAL, IND
– Sudhakar Mangaonkar, MALE, 58, SC, BSP
– Yashvant alias Sunil Vasant Pednekar TURN OUT, MALE, 57, GENERAL, BAHUMP

These candidates represent a diverse range of communities and parties, offering voters a variety of options to choose from in the upcoming elections.

 Sawantwadi Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

– Deepak Vasantrao Kesarkar, SHS, received 69,417 votes, totaling 48.52% of the total votes
– Rajan Krishna Teli, IND, received 56,392 votes, totaling 39.32% of the total votes
– Baban Salgaonkar, NCP, received 5,355 votes, totaling 3.75% of the total votes
– NOTA, received 3,504 votes, totaling 2.45% of the total votes
– Prakash Gopal Redkar, MNS, received 3,396 votes, totaling 2.37% of the total votes
– Satyawan Uttam Jadhav, VBA, received 1,442 votes, totaling 1.01% of the total votes
– Dadu Alias Raju Ganesh Kadam, BMUP, received 1,388 votes, totaling 0.97% of the total votes
– Ajinkya Gawade, IND, received 1,385 votes, totaling 0.97% of the total votes
– Sudhakar Mangaonkar, BSP, received 524 votes, totaling 0.37% of the total votes
– Yashvant alias Sunil Vasant Pednekar TURN OUT, BAHUMP, received 406 votes, totaling 0.28% of the total votes.

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 Sawantwadi Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
SawantwadiAjinkya GawadeGENERALINDTelevision1385313880.97
SawantwadiBaban SalgaonkarGENERALNCPClock53554153963.75
SawantwadiDadu Alias Raju Ganesh KadamSCBMUPCot1388313910.97
SawantwadiDeepak Vasantrao KesarkarGENERALSHSBow and694173676978448.52
SawantwadiPrakash Gopal RedkarGENERALMNSRailway33961334092.37
SawantwadiRajan Krishna TeliGENERALINDAlmirah563921645655639.32
SawantwadiSatyawan Uttam JadhavSCVBAGas1442814501.01
SawantwadiSudhakar MangaonkarSCBSPElephant52445280.37
SawantwadiYashvant alias Sunil Vasant PednekarGENERALBAHUMPBUCKET40614070.28

Sawantwadi Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

Party-Wise Performance:
– SHS: 48.52%
– IND: 39.32%
– NCP: 3.75%
– NOTA: 2.45%
– MNS: 2.37%
– VBA: 1.01%
– BMUP: 0.97%
– BSP: 0.37%
– BAHUMP: 0.28%


Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Sawantwadi, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Deepak Vasantrao Kesarkar from the SHS party was the winning MLA candidate from Sawantwadi, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Sawantwadi, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: The winning candidate, Deepak Vasantrao Kesarkar, received 69,417 votes in the 2019 elections.

Q: Which party won the elections in Sawantwadi, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The SHS (Shiv Sena) party won the elections in Sawantwadi, Maharashtra in 2019.

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Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Sawantwadi, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first and second candidate was 13,025 votes.

Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Sawantwadi, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The second candidate, Rajan Krishna Teli, received 56,392 votes in the 2019 elections.

Q: How many people voted in total in Sawantwadi, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 143,743 people voted in the Sawantwadi, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Sawantwadi, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The percentage of people who voted in Sawantwadi, Maharashtra in 2019 was 67.36%.

Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Sawantwadi, Maharashtra?
A: The winning candidate, Deepak Vasantrao Kesarkar, received 367 postal votes. The second candidate, Rajan Krishna Teli, received 164 postal votes.

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