Pandharpur MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Maharashtra Constituency, specifically Pandharpur MLA Vidhan Sabha, played a crucial role in the 2019 Election Results. The constituency witnessed a fierce battle between various candidates, ultimately resulting in the victory of a deserving leader. The winning candidate secured a significant number of votes, surpassing the competitors by a notable margin. The election results in Pandharpur MLA Vidhan Sabha have had a significant impact on the political landscape of Maharashtra. The voters’ decision has shaped the future of the constituency, and the elected leader is now responsible for representing the people’s interests and concerns in the legislative assembly.

Key Candidates in the Pandharpur MLA 2019 Elections

In the 2019 Pandharpur elections, the key candidates are:

– Bhalake Bharat Tukaram, NCP
– Paricharak Sudhakar Ramchandra, BJP
– Autade Samadhan Mahadeo, IND
– Kalunge Shivajirao Bajirao, INC
– Mane Santosh Mahadev, IND
– Khadatare Dattatraya Tatya, VBA
– Sarvagod Sarika Ravindra, BSP
– Sunil Suresh Gore, IND
– Adv.Aavchare Maruti Krishna, BVA
– Sudarshan Raychand Khandare, IND
– Annasaheb Sukhadev Maske, IND
– Birappa Ishwar Waghmode, IND
– Birappa Madhukar Mote, IND
– Aware Siddheshwar Bharat, BAHUMP
– Prof. Engineer Namdeo Shekappa Thorbole Patil, IND
– Pratap Pandurang Kamble, IND
– Abdul Rauf Jafar Mulani, IND
– Adv.Lokare Shivlal Krishna, IND
– Nishikant Bandu Patil, IND
– Hanamant Vitthal Birajdar TURN OUT

 Pandharpur Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

– Bhalake Bharat Tukaram of NCP won the Pandharpur 2019 elections with a total of 89,787 votes, securing 37.48% of the total votes
– Paricharak Sudhakar Ramchandra of BJP was the runner up with 76,426 votes, making up 31.9% of the total votes
– Autade Samadhan Mahadeo of IND secured 54,124 votes, accounting for 22.59% of the total votes
– Kalunge Shivajirao Bajirao of INC received 7,232 votes, representing 3.02% of the total votes
– Mane Santosh Mahadev, an independent candidate, garnered 3,938 votes, making up 1.64% of the total votes

See also  Mahim MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

 Pandharpur Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
PandharpurAbdul Rauf Jafar MulaniGENERALINDHelicopter22402240.09
PandharpurAdv.Aavchare Maruti KrishnaSCBVAWhistle51605160.22
PandharpurAdv.Lokare Shivlal KrishnaSCINDPressure19501950.08
PandharpurAnnasaheb Sukhadev MaskeSCINDKettle42804280.18
PandharpurAutade Samadhan MahadeoGENERALINDChalata536484765412422.59
PandharpurAware Siddheshwar BharatGENERALBAHUMPCup &37223740.16
PandharpurBhalake Bharat TukaramGENERALNCPClock891915968978737.48
PandharpurBirappa Ishwar WaghmodeGENERALINDGas Stove42604260.18
PandharpurBirappa Madhukar MoteGENERALINDCot40404040.17
PandharpurHanamant Vitthal BirajdarGENERALINDWalking12901290.05
PandharpurKalunge Shivajirao BajiraoGENERALINCHand72023072323.02
PandharpurKhadatare Dattatraya TatyaSCVBAGas18481418620.78
PandharpurMane Santosh MahadevGENERALINDRoad Roller3937139381.64
PandharpurNishikant Bandu PatilGENERALINDBattery13501350.06
PandharpurParicharak Sudhakar RamchandraGENERALBJPLotus756238037642631.9
PandharpurPratap Pandurang KambleSCINDKey23702370.1
PandharpurProf. Engineer Namdeo Shekappa Thorbole PatilGENERALINDBat26822700.11
PandharpurSarvagod Sarika RavindraSCBSPElephant96969750.41
PandharpurSudarshan Raychand KhandareSCINDTable46604660.19
PandharpurSunil Suresh GoreGENERALINDDIAMOND77107710.32

Pandharpur Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

– Bhalake Bharat Tukaram of NCP received 37.48% of the votes
– Paricharak Sudhakar Ramchandra of BJP received 31.9% of the votes
– Autade Samadhan Mahadeo of IND received 22.59% of the votes
– Kalunge Shivajirao Bajirao of INC received 3.02% of the votes
– Mane Santosh Mahadev of IND received 1.64% of the votes
– Khadatare Dattatraya Tatya of VBA received 0.78% of the votes
– Sarvagod Sarika Ravindra of BSP received 0.41% of the votes
– Sunil Suresh Gore of IND received 0.32% of the votes
– NOTA received 0.27% of the votes
– Adv.Aavchare Maruti Krishna of BVA received 0.22% of the votes
– Sudarshan Raychand Khandare of IND received 0.19% of the votes
– Annasaheb Sukhadev Maske of IND received 0.18% of the votes
– Birappa Ishwar Waghmode of IND received 0.18% of the votes
– Birappa Madhukar Mote of IND received 0.17% of the votes
– Aware Siddheshwar Bharat of BAHUMP received 0.16% of the votes
– Prof. Engineer Namdeo Shekappa Thorbole Patil of IND received 0.11% of the votes
– Pratap Pandurang Kamble of IND received 0.1% of the votes
– Abdul Rauf Jafar Mulani of IND received 0.09% of the votes
– Adv.Lokare Shivlal Krishna of IND received 0.08% of the votes
– Nishikant Bandu Patil of IND received 0.06% of the votes
– Hanamant Vitthal Birajdar TURN OUT of IND received 0.05% of the votes

See also  Partur MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins


1. Who is the winning MLA candidate from Pandharpur, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
Bhalake Bharat Tukaram from the NCP party was the winning MLA candidate from Pandharpur, Maharashtra in 2019.

2. How many votes did the winning candidate get in Pandharpur, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
The winning candidate, Bhalake Bharat Tukaram, received 89,787 votes in the Pandharpur, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

3. Which party won the elections in Pandharpur, Maharashtra in 2019?
The NCP party won the elections in Pandharpur, Maharashtra in 2019.

4. What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Pandharpur, Maharashtra?
The vote difference between the first and second candidate in Pandharpur, Maharashtra was 13,164 votes.

5. How many votes did the second candidate get in Pandharpur, Maharashtra in 2019?
The second candidate, Paricharak Sudhakar Ramchandra from the BJP party, received 76,426 votes in the Pandharpur, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

6. How many people voted in total in Pandharpur, Maharashtra in 2019?
A total of 2,39,167 people voted in the Pandharpur, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

7. What was the percentage of people who voted in Pandharpur, Maharashtra in 2019?
The percentage of people who voted in Pandharpur, Maharashtra in 2019 was 63.77%.

8. How many postal votes did the candidates get in Pandharpur, Maharashtra?
The winning candidate, Bhalake Bharat Tukaram, received 596 postal votes, while the second candidate, Paricharak Sudhakar Ramchandra, received 803 postal votes in the Pandharpur, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

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