Nevasa MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Maharashtra Constituency Nevasa recently held the 2019 Vidhan Sabha election, with a focus on the Nevasa MLA seat. The constituency saw a competitive race between candidates, resulting in an exciting outcome. The election results for Nevasa MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 are crucial for understanding the political landscape of Maharashtra. The winning candidate’s name, total votes, and winning margins are significant factors to consider. These results will have a significant impact on the representation and governance of the Nevasa constituency. Stay updated with the latest developments and insights regarding the Nevasa MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 election results.

Key Candidates in the Nevasa MLA 2019 Elections

In the Nevasa 2019 elections, the key candidates are:

– SHANKARRAO YASHWANTRAO GADAKH, a 54-year-old male from the general community, representing KTSTP with the symbol of a Bat. He received 116943 votes, accounting for 55.27% of the total.
– Balasaheb Alias Dadasaheb Damodhar Murkute, a 56-year-old male from the general community, representing BJP with the symbol of Lotus. He received 86280 votes, accounting for 40.78% of the total.
– KARBHARI VISHNU UDAGE, a 57-year-old male from the general community, representing APoI with the symbol of Pen Drive. He received 2046 votes, accounting for 0.97% of the total.
– Matkar Shashikant Bhagwat, a 51-year-old male from the general community, representing VBA with the symbol of Gas. He received 1214 votes, accounting for 0.57% of the total.
– Vishal Vasantrao Gadakh, a 44-year-old male from the general community, representing IND with the symbol of Batsman. He received 981 votes, accounting for 0.46% of the total.
– Dnyandev, a 77-year-old male from the general community, representing IND with the symbol of Television. He received 919 votes, accounting for 0.43% of the total.
– Golhar Ramnath Gahininath, a 58-year-old male from the general community, representing IND with the symbol of Road Roller. He received 493 votes, accounting for 0.23% of the total.
– Vishwas Poulas Vairagar, a 45-year-old male from the SC community, representing BSP with the symbol of Elephant. He received 436 votes, accounting for 0.21% of the total.
– Karbhari Ramchandra Dhadge, a 60-year-old male from the general community, representing RSSDP with the symbol of Battery. He received 364 votes, accounting for 0.17% of the total.
– Laxmi Tukaram Gadakh, a 64-year-old female from the general community, representing IND with the symbol of Pressure. She received 319 votes, accounting for 0.15% of the total.
– NOTA, with 314 votes, accounting for 0.15% of the total.
– Bhausaheb Shivram Jagdale, a 52-year-old male from the SC community, representing IND with the symbol of Crane. He received 313 votes, accounting for 0.15% of the total.
– Sachin Ramdas Gavhane, a 40-year-old male from the general community, representing MNS with the symbol of Railway. He received 268 votes, accounting for 0.13% of the total.
– Deshmukh Vitthal Vishnu, a 30-year-old male from the general community, representing IND with the symbol of Almirah. He received 177 votes, accounting for 0.08% of the total.
– Rajendra Eknath Nimbalkar, a 55-year-old male from the general community, representing IND with the symbol of Auto-. He received 161 votes, accounting for 0.08% of the total.
– Ramdas Maruti Najan, a 62-year-old male from the general community, representing IND with the symbol of Cup &. He received 138 votes, accounting for 0.07% of the total.
– Machhindra Deorao Mungse, a 38-year-old male from the general community, representing IND with the symbol of Kettle. He received 119 votes, accounting for 0.06% of the total.
– Rajubai Kalyan Bhosale TURN OUT, a 75-year-old female from the ST community, representing IND with the symbol of Chalata. She received 95 votes, accounting for 0.04% of the total.

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 Nevasa Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

– Nevasa 2019 elections voting results are in, with SHANKARRAO YASHWANTRAO GADAKH from KTSTP party emerging as the winner with a total of 116943 votes and 55.27% of the total votes.
– Balasaheb Alias Dadasaheb Damodhar Murkute from the BJP party came in as the runner-up with a total of 86280 votes and 40.78% of the total votes.

 Nevasa Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
NevasaBalasaheb Alias Dadasaheb Damodhar MurkuteGENERALBJPLotus858833978628040.78
NevasaBhausaheb Shivram JagdaleSCINDCrane31303130.15
NevasaDeshmukh Vitthal VishnuGENERALINDAlmirah17701770.08
NevasaGolhar Ramnath GahininathGENERALINDRoad Roller49214930.23
NevasaKarbhari Ramchandra DhadgeGENERALRSSDPBattery36403640.17
NevasaLaxmi Tukaram GadakhGENERALINDPressure308113190.15
NevasaMachhindra Deorao MungseGENERALINDKettle11901190.06
NevasaMatkar Shashikant BhagwatGENERALVBAGas1208612140.57
NevasaRajendra Eknath NimbalkarGENERALINDAuto-16101610.08
NevasaRajubai Kalyan BhosaleSTINDChalata950950.04
NevasaRamdas Maruti NajanGENERALINDCup &13801380.07
NevasaSachin Ramdas GavhaneGENERALMNSRailway26712680.13
NevasaVishal Vasantrao GadakhGENERALINDBatsman98109810.46
NevasaVishwas Poulas VairagarSCBSPElephant43334360.21
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Nevasa Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

Party-Wise Performance:

KTSTP (Bat) – 55.27%
BJP (Lotus) – 40.78%
APoI (Pen Drive) – 0.95%
VBA (Gas) – 0.57%
IND (Batsman) – 0.46%
IND (Television) – 0.43%
IND (Road Roller) – 0.23%
BSP (Elephant) – 0.21%
RSSDP (Battery) – 0.17%
IND (Pressure) – 0.15%
NOTA (NOTA) – 0.15%
IND (Crane) – 0.15%
MNS (Railway) – 0.13%
IND (Almirah) – 0.08%
IND (Auto-) – 0.08%
IND (Cup &) – 0.07%
IND (Kettle) – 0.06%
IND (Chalata) – 0.04%


Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Nevasa, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Shankarrao Yashwantrao Gadakh from the KTSTP party was the winning MLA candidate from Nevasa, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Nevasa, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: The winning candidate, Shankarrao Yashwantrao Gadakh, received 116943 votes in Nevasa, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

Q: Which party won the elections in Nevasa, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The KTSTP party won the elections in Nevasa, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Nevasa, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first candidate, Shankarrao Yashwantrao Gadakh, and the second candidate, Balasaheb Alias Dadasaheb Damodhar Murkute, was 31063 votes.

Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Nevasa, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The second candidate, Balasaheb Alias Dadasaheb Damodhar Murkute, received 86280 votes in Nevasa, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many people voted in total in Nevasa, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 211491 people voted in Nevasa, Maharashtra in 2019.

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Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Nevasa, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The percentage of people who voted in Nevasa, Maharashtra in 2019 was 67.71%.

Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Nevasa, Maharashtra?
A: The winning candidate, Shankarrao Yashwantrao Gadakh, received 751 postal votes, and the second candidate, Balasaheb Alias Dadasaheb Damodhar Murkute, received 397 postal votes in Nevasa, Maharashtra in 2019.

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