Mumbadevi MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Maharashtra Constituency is a significant region in the state’s political landscape. One of its key constituencies, Mumbadevi, plays a crucial role in the state’s Vidhan Sabha elections. The 2019 election results for Mumbadevi MLA seat were highly anticipated, with voters closely following the candidate names, votes, and winning margins. The outcome of this election had a significant impact on the state’s political scenario. The Mumbadevi constituency saw a high voter turnout, and the results were closely watched by political analysts and citizens alike. Stay tuned for the detailed information on the Mumbadevi MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results.

Key Candidates in the Mumbadevi MLA 2019 Elections

The key candidates for the 2019 Mumbadevi elections are:

– Amin Patel, MALE, 61, GENERAL, INC, Hand
– Pandurang Ganpat Sakpal, MALE, 61, GENERAL, SHS, Bow and
– Bashir Musa Patel, MALE, 70, GENERAL, AIMIM, Kite
– Keshav Ramesh Mulay, MALE, 44, GENERAL, MNS, Railway
– Shamsher Khan Vazir Khan Pathan, MALE, 70, GENERAL, VBA, Gas
– Udaykumar Ramchandra Shiroorkar, MALE, 63, GENERAL, IND, DIAMOND
– Waris Ali Shaikh, MALE, 46, GENERAL, BSP, Elephant
– Mohamed Juned Shaikh, MALE, 35, GENERAL, ABHS, Key
– Mohd. Naeem Shaikh, MALE, 59, GENERAL, AimPP, with Seven
– Najeeb Sayed, MALE, 53, GENERAL, SVPP, Mike
– Nazir Khan TURN OUT, MALE, 61, GENERAL, IUML, Football

These candidates represent a variety of communities and parties, offering voters a range of choices in the Mumbadevi elections.

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 Mumbadevi Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

In the 2019 Mumbadevi elections, the voting results for key candidates are as follows:

– Amin Patel (INC) received 58,933 votes, making up 54.87% of the total votes
– Pandurang Ganpat Sakpal (SHS) was the runner up with 35,259 votes, accounting for 32.85% of the total votes
– Bashir Musa Patel (AIMIM) received 6,372 votes, totaling 5.93% of the total votes
– Keshav Ramesh Mulay (MNS) garnered 3,176 votes, comprising 2.96% of the total votes
– NOTA received 1,538 votes, making up 1.43% of the total votes
– Shamsher Khan Vazir Khan Pathan (VBA) received 1,262 votes, accounting for 1.18% of the total votes
– Udaykumar Ramchandra Shiroorkar (IND) received 255 votes, totaling 0.24% of the total votes
– Waris Ali Shaikh (BSP) received 214 votes, making up 0.2% of the total votes
– Mohamed Juned Shaikh (ABHS) received 148 votes, accounting for 0.14% of the total votes
– Mohd. Naeem Shaikh (AimPP) received 95 votes, totaling 0.09% of the total votes
– Najeeb Sayed (SVPP) received 68 votes, making up 0.06% of the total votes
– Nazir Khan TURN OUT (IUML) received 57 votes, accounting for 0.05% of the total votes

 Mumbadevi Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
MumbadeviAmin PatelGENERALINCHand58933195895254.87
MumbadeviBashir Musa PatelGENERALAIMIMKite6372163735.93
MumbadeviKeshav Ramesh MulayGENERALMNSRailway3176931852.96
MumbadeviMohamed Juned ShaikhGENERALABHSKey14801480.14
MumbadeviMohd. Naeem ShaikhGENERALAimPPwith Seven950950.09
MumbadeviNajeeb SayedGENERALSVPPMike680680.06
MumbadeviNazir KhanGENERALIUMLFootball570570.05
MumbadeviPandurang Ganpat SakpalGENERALSHSBow and35259383529732.85
MumbadeviShamsher Khan Vazir Khan PathanGENERALVBAGas1262212641.18
MumbadeviUdaykumar Ramchandra ShiroorkarGENERALINDDIAMOND25502550.24
MumbadeviWaris Ali ShaikhGENERALBSPElephant21402140.2
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Mumbadevi Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

The party-wise performance in the Mumbadevi 2019 elections is as follows:

– INC (Amin Patel): 54.87% of the votes
– SHS (Pandurang Ganpat Sakpal): 32.85% of the votes
– AIMIM (Bashir Musa Patel): 5.93% of the votes
– MNS (Keshav Ramesh Mulay): 2.96% of the votes
– NOTA: 1.43% of the votes
– VBA (Shamsher Khan Vazir Khan Pathan): 1.18% of the votes
– IND (Udaykumar Ramchandra Shiroorkar): 0.24% of the votes
– BSP (Waris Ali Shaikh): 0.2% of the votes
– ABHS (Mohamed Juned Shaikh): 0.14% of the votes
– AimPP (Mohd. Naeem Shaikh): 0.09% of the votes
– SVPP (Najeeb Sayed): 0.06% of the votes
– IUML (Nazir Khan TURN OUT): 0.05% of the votes


Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Mumbadevi, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Amin Patel from the Indian National Congress (INC) was the winning MLA candidate from Mumbadevi, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Amin Patel received 58,933 votes in the Mumbadevi, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

Q: Which party won the elections in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The Indian National Congress (INC) won the elections in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first and second candidate in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra was 23,674 votes.

Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: Pandurang Ganpat Sakpal from the Shiv Sena (SHS) received 35,259 votes in the Mumbadevi, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

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Q: How many people voted in total in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 107,419 people voted in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra in 2019.

Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The percentage of people who voted in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra in 2019 was 57.86%.

Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra?
A: Amin Patel received 19 postal votes, while Pandurang Ganpat Sakpal received 38 postal votes in Mumbadevi, Maharashtra.

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