Hinganghat MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results- Candidate Name, Votes, Winning Margins

Maharashtra Constituency, Hinganghat, is a crucial area in the state’s political landscape. The Hinganghat MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results have been eagerly anticipated. The constituents are keen to know the Candidate Name, Votes, and Winning Margins. The outcome of this election will have a significant impact on the region’s development and governance. The candidates have campaigned vigorously, and the voters have cast their ballots with high expectations. The election results will reflect the will of the people and determine the future leadership in Hinganghat. Stay tuned for the latest updates on the Hinganghat MLA Vidhan Sabha 2019 Election Results.

Key Candidates in the Hinganghat MLA 2019 Elections

The key candidates for the Hinganghat 2019 elections include:

– Samir Trimbakrao Kunawar, MALE, 56, GENERAL, BJP, Lotus, 103,059
– Raju Alias Mohan Wasudeorao Timande, MALE, 64, GENERAL, NCP, Clock, 52,444
– Ashok Shamrao Shinde, MALE, 62, GENERAL, IND, Pressure Cooker, 12,561
– Dr. Umesh Somaji Waware, MALE, 54, SC, VBA, Gas Cylinder, 6,744
– Vilas Nanaji Ambadkar, MALE, 51, SC, BSP, Elephant, 4,260
– Damadu Warlu Madavi, MALE, 63, ST, GGP, Saw, 3,379
– Anil Atmaram Jawade, MALE, 65, GENERAL, IND, Whistle, 2,332
– NOTA, NOTA, 5, NOTA, NOTA, NOTA, 1,751
– Manda Ramesh Thaware, FEMALE, 62, GENERAL, IND, Cup & Saucer, 1,202
– Ashwin Shrawan Tawade, MALE, 32, SC, IND, Key, 1,035
– Kisna Natthuji Vyapari, MALE, 58, GENERAL, IND, Television, 951
– Prashant Bhimarao Deshmukh, MALE, 47, GENERAL, SBBGP, Sewing Machine, 474
– Shyam Bhaskar Idapwar, MALE, 44, GENERAL, IND, FLUTE, 389
– Manish Bhimraoji Kamble, MALE, 46, SC, IND, SHIP, 346

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These candidates represent a diverse range of parties and communities, offering voters a variety of choices in the upcoming elections in Hinganghat.

 Hinganghat Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections

– Samir Trimbakrao Kunawar of BJP won the Hinganghat 2019 elections with 103,585 total votes, earning 53.83% of the votes
– Raju Alias Mohan Wasudeorao Timande of NCP was the runner up with 53,130 total votes, securing 27.61% of the votes
– Ashok Shamrao Shinde of IND received 12,623 total votes, accounting for 6.56% of the votes
– Dr. Umesh Somaji Waware of VBA garnered 6,810 total votes, making up 3.54% of the votes
– Vilas Nanaji Ambadkar of BSP obtained 4,285 total votes, representing 2.23% of the votes
– Damadu Warlu Madavi of GGP received 3,385 total votes, comprising 1.76% of the votes
– Anil Atmaram Jawade of IND secured 2,419 total votes, making up 1.26% of the votes
– NOTA received 1,764 total votes, accounting for 0.92% of the votes
– Manda Ramesh Thaware of IND obtained 1,202 total votes, representing 0.62% of the votes
– Ashwin Shrawan Tawade of IND received 1,041 total votes, making up 0.54% of the votes
– Kisna Natthuji Vyapari of IND garnered 958 total votes, comprising 0.5% of the votes
– Prashant Bhimarao Deshmukh of SBBGP obtained 475 total votes, accounting for 0.25% of the votes
– Shyam Bhaskar Idapwar of IND received 389 total votes, making up 0.2% of the votes
– Manish Bhimraoji Kamble of IND secured 346 total votes, representing 0.18% of the votes

 Hinganghat Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections

ConstituencyCandidate NameCategoryPartySymbolGeneral VotesPostal VotesTotalPercent Voted Polled
HinganghatAnil Atmaram JawadeGENERALINDWhistle2,332872,4191.26
HinganghatAshok Shamrao ShindeGENERALINDPressure Cooker12,5616212,6236.56
HinganghatAshwin Shrawan TawadeSCINDKey1,03561,0410.54
HinganghatDamadu Warlu MadaviSTGGPSaw3,37963,3851.76
HinganghatDr. Umesh Somaji WawareSCVBAGas Cylinder6,744666,8103.54
HinganghatKisna Natthuji VyapariGENERALINDTelevision95179580.5
HinganghatManda Ramesh ThawareGENERALINDCup & Saucer1,20201,2020.62
HinganghatManish Bhimraoji KambleSCINDSHIP34603460.18
HinganghatPrashant Bhimarao DeshmukhGENERALSBBGPSewing Machine47414750.25
HinganghatRaju Alias Mohan Wasudeorao TimandeGENERALNCPClock52,44468653,13027.61
HinganghatSamir Trimbakrao KunawarGENERALBJPLotus1,03,0595261,03,58553.83
HinganghatShyam Bhaskar IdapwarGENERALINDFLUTE38903890.2
HinganghatVilas Nanaji AmbadkarSCBSPElephant4,260254,2852.23
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Hinganghat Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections

Party-Wise Performance:

BJP (Lotus) – 103,059 votes (53.83%)
NCP (Clock) – 52,444 votes (27.61%)
IND (Pressure Cooker) – 12,561 votes (6.56%)
VBA (Gas Cylinder) – 6,744 votes (3.54%)
BSP (Elephant) – 4,260 votes (2.23%)
GGP (Saw) – 3,379 votes (1.76%)
IND (Whistle) – 2,332 votes (1.26%)
NOTA – 1,751 votes (0.92%)
IND (Cup & Saucer) – 1,202 votes (0.62%)
IND (Key) – 1,035 votes (0.54%)
IND (Television) – 951 votes (0.5%)
SBBGP (Sewing Machine) – 474 votes (0.25%)
IND (FLUTE) – 389 votes (0.2%)
IND (SHIP) – 346 votes (0.18%)


1. Who is the winning MLA candidate from Hinganghat, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
The winning MLA candidate from Hinganghat, Maharashtra in 2019 was Samir Trimbakrao Kunawar from the BJP party.

2. How many votes did the winning candidate get in Hinganghat, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
The winning candidate, Samir Trimbakrao Kunawar, received 103,059 votes in the Hinganghat, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

3. Which party won the elections in Hinganghat, Maharashtra in 2019?
The BJP party won the elections in Hinganghat, Maharashtra in 2019.

4. What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Hinganghat, Maharashtra?
The vote difference between the first and second candidate in Hinganghat, Maharashtra was 50,615 votes.

5. How many votes did the second candidate get in Hinganghat, Maharashtra in 2019?
The second candidate, Raju Alias Mohan Wasudeorao Timande from the NCP party, received 52,444 votes in the Hinganghat, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

6. How many people voted in total in Hinganghat, Maharashtra in 2019?
A total of 191,742 people voted in the Hinganghat, Maharashtra elections in 2019.

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7. What was the percentage of people who voted in Hinganghat, Maharashtra in 2019?
The percentage of people who voted in Hinganghat, Maharashtra in 2019 was 60.74%.

8. How many postal votes did the candidates get in Hinganghat, Maharashtra?
The information on the number of postal votes received by each candidate is not provided in the given content.

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