Maharashtra’s Basmath constituency recently witnessed the 2019 Vidhan Sabha election, with keen interest in the Basmath MLA election results. The constituency, located in the Hingoli district, is known for its political significance and active participation in the electoral process. The voters eagerly awaited the announcement of the winning candidate’s name, the total number of votes secured, and the winning margins. The outcome of this election has a significant impact on the political landscape of Maharashtra. The 2019 Basmath MLA Vidhan Sabha election results have been a topic of discussion and analysis, influencing the future direction of the constituency and the state as a whole.
Table of Contents
Key Candidates in the Basmath MLA 2019 Elections
The key candidates for the Basmath 2019 elections are:
– Chandrakant Alias Rajubhaiyya Ramakant Nawghare, NCP
– Adv. Shivaji Munjajirao Jadhav, IND
– Mundada Jaiprakash Shankarlal, SHS
– Shaikh Farid Alias Munir Isak Patel, VBA
– Gautam Marotrao Dipke, BSP
– Avez Ansari, ANC
– Kondiba Gounaji Maske, APoI
– Balasaheb Desai Deshmukh, IND
– Jadhav Shivaji Nandu, IND
– Raghunath Subhanji Suryawanshi, IND
– Jadhav Shivaji Dhanju, IND
– Ashok (Samrat) Sambhaji Gaikwad, IND
These candidates represent various communities and parties and are vying for the position in the Basmath 2019 elections. Each candidate brings their unique background and platform to the table, making it an interesting and diverse race.
Basmath Voting Results MLA 2019 Elections
– Chandrakant Alias Rajubhaiyya Ramakant Nawghare, NCP: 75,321 votes (34.59%)
– Adv. Shivaji Munjajirao Jadhav, IND: 67,070 votes (30.8%)
– Mundada Jaiprakash Shankarlal, SHS: 41,557 votes (19.09%)
– Shaikh Farid Alias Munir Isak Patel, VBA: 25,397 votes (11.66%)
– NOTA: 1,957 votes (0.9%)
– Gautam Marotrao Dipke, BSP: 1,177 votes (0.54%)
– Avez Ansari, ANC: 933 votes (0.43%)
– Kondiba Gounaji Maske, APoI: 911 votes (0.42%)
– Balasaheb Desai Deshmukh, IND: 843 votes (0.39%)
– Jadhav Shivaji Nandu, IND: 812 votes (0.37%)
– Raghunath Subhanji Suryawanshi, IND: 747 votes (0.34%)
– Jadhav Shivaji Dhanju, IND: 528 votes (0.24%)
– Ashok (Samrat) Sambhaji Gaikwad TURN OUT, IND: 480 votes (0.22%)
Basmath Detailed Candidates Voting Percent in MLA 2019 Elections
Constituency Candidate Name Category Party Symbol General Votes Postal Votes Total Percent Voted Polled Basmath Adv. Shivaji Munjajirao Jadhav GENERAL IND Ganna Kisan 66425 645 67070 30.8 Basmath Ashok (Samrat) Sambhaji Gaikwad SC IND Ring 479 1 480 0.22 Basmath Avez Ansari GENERAL ANC Rickshaw 932 1 933 0.43 Basmath Balasaheb Desai Deshmukh GENERAL IND Whistle 843 0 843 0.39 Basmath Chandrakant Alias Rajubhaiyya Ramakant Nawghare GENERAL NCP Clock 74957 364 75321 34.59 Basmath Gautam Marotrao Dipke SC BSP Elephant 1172 5 1177 0.54 Basmath Jadhav Shivaji Dhanju GENERAL IND Cup & 528 0 528 0.24 Basmath Jadhav Shivaji Nandu GENERAL IND Batsman 812 0 812 0.37 Basmath Kondiba Gounaji Maske SC APoI Coat 911 0 911 0.42 Basmath Mundada Jaiprakash Shankarlal GENERAL SHS Bow and 41158 399 41557 19.09 Basmath NOTA NA NA NA 1955 2 1957 0.9 Basmath Raghunath Subhanji Suryawanshi GENERAL IND Key 746 1 747 0.34 Basmath Shaikh Farid Alias Munir Isak Patel GENERAL VBA Gas 25298 99 25397 11.66
Basmath Party-Wise Performance in MLA 2019 Elections
Party-Wise Performance:
– NCP candidate Chandrakant Alias Rajubhaiyya Ramakant Nawghare received 34.59% of the votes, with a total of 75,321 votes.
– IND candidate Adv. Shivaji Munjajirao Jadhav received 30.8% of the votes, with a total of 67,070 votes.
– SHS candidate Mundada Jaiprakash Shankarlal received 19.09% of the votes, with a total of 41,557 votes.
– VBA candidate Shaikh Farid Alias Munir Isak Patel received 11.66% of the votes, with a total of 25,397 votes.
– NOTA received 0.9% of the votes, with a total of 1,957 votes.
– BSP candidate Gautam Marotrao Dipke received 0.54% of the votes, with a total of 1,177 votes.
– ANC candidate Avez Ansari received 0.43% of the votes, with a total of 933 votes.
– APoI candidate Kondiba Gounaji Maske received 0.42% of the votes, with a total of 911 votes.
– IND candidate Balasaheb Desai Deshmukh received 0.39% of the votes, with a total of 843 votes.
– IND candidate Jadhav Shivaji Nandu received 0.37% of the votes, with a total of 812 votes.
– IND candidate Raghunath Subhanji Suryawanshi received 0.34% of the votes, with a total of 747 votes.
– IND candidate Jadhav Shivaji Dhanju received 0.24% of the votes, with a total of 528 votes.
– IND candidate Ashok (Samrat) Sambhaji Gaikwad TURN OUT received 0.22% of the votes, with a total of 480 votes.
Q: Who is the winning MLA candidate from Basmath, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: Chandrakant Alias Rajubhaiyya Ramakant Nawghare from the NCP party was the winning MLA candidate from Basmath, Maharashtra in 2019.
Q: How many votes did the winning candidate get in Basmath, Maharashtra elections in 2019?
A: The winning candidate received a total of 75,321 votes.
Q: Which party won the elections in Basmath, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The NCP party won the elections in Basmath, Maharashtra in 2019.
Q: What was the vote difference between the first and second candidate in Basmath, Maharashtra?
A: The vote difference between the first and second candidate was 8,251 votes.
Q: How many votes did the second candidate get in Basmath, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The second candidate, Adv. Shivaji Munjajirao Jadhav, received a total of 67,070 votes.
Q: How many people voted in total in Basmath, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: A total of 217,793 people voted in Basmath, Maharashtra in 2019.
Q: What was the percentage of people who voted in Basmath, Maharashtra in 2019?
A: The percentage of people who voted in Basmath, Maharashtra in 2019 was 62.38%.
Q: How many postal votes did the candidates get in Basmath, Maharashtra?
A: The winning candidate received 364 postal votes, while the second candidate received 645 postal votes.

Chirag Sachdeva is a seasoned digital marketing expert with over 15 years of experience spanning digital strategy, content management, and SEO. Chirag is the founder of Digifly Technology, where he empowers businesses to grow through innovative digital solutions. With a deep understanding of content strategy and market trends.